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Inka trail 2023

inca trail 2021

Inka trail to Machu picchu 2023

Inca trail to Machu picchu 5 Days 4 Nights. Travel the famous Inca trail to Machu Picchu.

Inca trail availability 2023


The Inca trail is one choice jewel of the treks in Perú,Cusco: : close proximity of high snowcapped peaks, hanging valleys, deep gorges and broad wide expanses of Andean highland plateau, cloud forest and semidry Andean valleys. We will trek a section of the original Inka Trail to Machu Picchu and have a chance to see the different ecosystems and archaeological sites. Plus, the train rides to and from Machu Picchu along the Canyon of the Urubamba River, are thrilling and impressive treat unto themselves.

Cusco Machu Picchu, Difficulty of the trek: easy to moderate , good physical conditions.

inka trail 2021

Day 1: Distance: 10km-Altitude: 2570 to 2850 mts-hours 5-camping 2850 mts.

Day 2: Distance: 8km-Altitude: 2850 to 3850 mts-hours 5-camping 3850mts.

Day 3: Distance: 14km-Altitude: 3850 to 3950 to 4221 mts- hours 8-camping 3650mts.

Day 4: Distance: 9km- Altitude: 3650 to 2450 mts-hours 7 -hotel 2060mts.

Day 5: Distance: 7km- Altitude: 2060 to 2450 to 3000 mts, hours 7, back to Cusco 3300mts.

Ecosystems: Scrub bush vegetation, andean semi dry forest, cloud forest, inter andean valleys. grass land, alpine, glaciers.

Highlights: Some Inca remains. High biodiversity, flora, fauna. Ancient Inca road, sacred mountains, amazing landscape.

Climate: The temperature varies in between below cero 2ºC,morning ,night to 20ºC,middle day to 25ºC day.Mountain climate, sunny to cloudy,windy.

tour inka trail 2021

Tour inca trail machu picchu

inca trail 2021

inka trail machupicchu

Itinerary Inka Trail to Machu Picchu

DAY 1 – Cusco, Piscaycucho Tarayoc

We depart from Cusco at 8:30 am, driving northeast for about 2 hours until we reach the Sacred Valley of the Incas. Here, we will see the archaeological sites of the once great Inca fortress of Ollantaytambo build by the incas in the beginig of the 14th hundreds with incredible stone work and masory ,built in pink granit. Temples and astronomical obeservatories as well administrative and militar buildings make of this place a very good stop. This place was part of the tambo system organization. After this stop, we’ll continue driving for an hour until reaching the kilometer 82 marker(Piscaycucho,2,570 meters), where we’ll have lunch and prepare our kits. The local porters will be helping us carry the hiking gear, camping equipment, and commissary goods. After all the arrangements we are all set and ready to enter the National Park. From this point onward, the Inca Trail is noted for having beautiful archaeological sites and an abundance of orchids, bromeliads, and humming birds. The rich Andean vegetation is also home to the Chilca bush (bacharis peruviana), Molle tree (Schinus molle), and Tara tree (Caesalpina spinosa)plants: frequent sources of many local medicines. After a three-hour hike, we will arrive at the beautiful site of Patallacta (alt.2,740 meters) where we will stop for snacks and a tour of the remains. Then, we will resume our hike by following the gorge of the Urubamba River(one of head waters of the Amazon River) and then meeting the Cusichaca river in between three valleys.The hiking conditons and moderate diffculty and found different terraiins with dirt and part of the remains of the Inca trail. Along the way, we will come across incredible views of the Urubamba mountain range and its towering snow peaks like the Veronica glacier at 5700mts. At the end of hike, we’ll arrive at our first camp, Huayabamba (2,850 meters), where hot drinks, delicious food, and a beautiful setting await you.

DAY 2 – Tarayoc, Llulluchapampa

Day two begins with a hot breakfast and the chance to watch the sunrise between 6:30 and 7:30 am. Because we are camping in the middle of the mountains, it does take the sun a bit longer to emerge from the surrounding peaks. Prepare for a breathtaking experience as this majestic landscape is brought back to life in the morning light.

Today, we’ll be hiking of mostly uphill trails. As we make our ascent, keep an eye out for the changing ecosystems that surround you, for the interandean valley is known for its diverse ecological landscape. The first ecosystem you will notice is the Andean semidry forest with its unique scrub bush vegetation of asteraceas, bromeliads, and muss. Observe the rich birdlife as finches, seedeaters and hummingbirds flutter past you. After a few hourson the original Inca trail, we will break at Yuncaypata (3200meters) to take in the incredible view of the snow peaks of Huayanay (alt5,188meters).

Later on, we will encounter another ecosystem as we head into the Unca woodland (Myrcianthes oreophyla). This area marks the beginning of the cloud forest and is rich in ferns, orchids, bromeliads, and muss. After another two-hour hike, we will arrive at the Andean Páramo (alpine tundra) called LLulluchapampa (3,650meters), where we’ll be setting up camp for the night.Today hike is about 8 km.Before dark, get in some bird watching with the abundant finch and hummingbird populations; they’re everywhere. Then, enjoy a hot dinner and a good night’s rest before another long day of hiking.

DAY 3 – Llulluchapampa to Phuyupatamarca

Today, we have an early start as it is our longest day. We’ll be traveling of trail that will take us through a succession of different valleys and ecosystems. Once we arrive at the Warmi Wañusta pass (alt 4,201meters), the highest point of the trek, we’ll begin our descent towards Phuypatamarca. On our way down, we’ll stop and visit several archaeological sites before reaching our second pass of the day at Runkurakay (alt 3,780meters).

Then, we’ll continue down to visit the remains of Sayacmarca( a former religious retreat) with the chance to see some beautiful orchids (odontuglosun myanthum) and Aya zapatillan(Calceolaria cypripediiflora).We’ll take a break for lunch and resume our hike on one of the most beautiful sections of the trail, well known for its incredible views of the surrounding snow peaks and the misty cloud forest that lies below. After about an hour, we’ll reach the ruins of Phuyupatamarca (“place above the clouds”) (alt 3,620meters), where we’ll be putting up camp.Enjoy spectacular views of the Urubamba mountain range, the Urubamba gorge, and the surrounding mountains of Machu Picchu as you settle in for the evening.

DAY 4 – Phuyupatamarca, Machu Picchu

Today, we set out towards Machu Picchu will take about 5 hours. Along the way, we’ll see more fascinating Inca remains and unique cloud forest species, such as the orchids and bromeliad plants, and tanager and wren birds.After an hour or so, we’ll arrive at what is probably known as the most beautiful archaeological site on the entire trail: Wiñay Wayna. Wiñay Wayna means “forever young” in Quechua and is also the name of the epiphytic orchid (Epidendrum secumdum) that is prevalent in the area. Take a minute to behold the bird population… it is undeniably impressive… and beautiful. We’ll stop for a picnic lunch shortly after we come to the Sun gate (Intipunku 2,950 meters) to give you a better chance to absorb the beauty around you. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take pictures of the city of Machu Picchu from above. After lunch, we’ll continue down with frequent stops for more opportunities to see Machu Picchu from above. Once we arrive at the beginning of the Machu Picchu site, we’ll go exploring and tourinjg this sacred site probably used by the Incas as a religious retreat and astronomical obervatory.also some free time before taking the bus down to the town of Aguas calientes, where we can enjoy a hot meal and relaxing evening in a local hotel.

DAY 5 – Machu Picchu
Wake up early for a sunrise tour of Machu i, t was build by the Inca number nine during the times of Inca Pachacútec and it was his palace (John Rowe1990) during the expansion of the Inca Empire.Also for military and commerce because the proximity to two different ecosistems with natural resources and for the coca plantations.A Royal Inca state and city, a religious retreats and astronomical observatory. Built with fine white granic stone work with palaces, temples, terraces and store houses.

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